In 2018, I decided to start a film newsletter. While the initial focus was for it to be about Danish cinema, this newsletter ultimately became Another Underrated List.

My self-described goal for Another Underrated List was “to contribute to the glut of internet movie lists by writing about films I considered “underrated.”” I promised to have no groundbreaking prescriptive or insight on “underrated” films. Instead, I just simply wrote about films I liked that I didn’t see much buzz about online.

As opposed to a lot of my other writing projects, I actually followed through with Another Underrated List and put out eight issues. Yet, after writing on a bi-monthly basis for a little over a year, things changed in my priorities and my life, which caused the newsletter to come to a natural end.

I ran Another Underrated List using the newsletter company Tinyletter. It was great at the time, free and easy to use. Not only did it allow you to send out newsletters, but it also stored them all in an archive that was easily viewable.

On November 29th, 2023, it was announced that Tinyletter would be shutting down. This means that as of February 29th, 2024 all Tinyletters, including my own, will cease to exist.

So, this leaves me with two months to transfer all the issues of Another Underrated List that I put out from Tinyletter to here.

As opposed to most of the things I have written over the years, when I look back on the eight issues of Another Underrated List that I put out, I don’t cringe. They were decently written, which makes sense, as I put a substantial amount of work into each, from watching each film upwards of five times in a row, to hours of research.

Also in opposition to most of the things I have written over the years, people actually read Another Underrated List! And, I had a fair amount of people tell me that they watched a film I profiled that they had never heard of and loved it!

So by resharing all of them here, in addition to preserving their presence on the internet, hopefully, a few more people are inspired to watch the “underrated” films that I profiled in Another Underrated List.

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